KOM Clinico-Pathological Conference 6/2023 entitled “This Is Not the End”

KOM Clinico-Pathological Conference 6/2023 entitled “This Is Not the End”
Assalamualaikum wrt and Greetings,
Dear Prof., Assoc. Prof., Asst. Prof., Dr., Br., Sr,
May you receive this email while you are in the best of health and Iman.
With great pleasure, we wish to invite you to the KOM Clinico-Pathological Conference 6/2023 entitled “This Is Not the End” by Department of Family Medicine as detailed below:
Date : 18th August 2023 (Friday)
Time : 8am – 9am
Platform : zoom meeting (Meeting ID: 946 5146 5320, Passcode: 588095)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 946 5146 5320 Passcode: 588095
The tentative programme:
07:45am Registration
08:00am Welcoming remark by Moderator, Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammad bin Che’ Man
Dr Wan Fatimah Suryani binti Wan Mahmud
Expert Panels
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Islah Munjih bin Ab Rashid
Asst. Prof. Dr. Hasbullah bin Mohamad
Dr. Adam Firdaus Bin Dahlan
Question & Answer
09:00am Disperse
For attendance record:
· I attend: https://iattend.iium.edu.my/participant/index/wrM645PeHS-1691991630
· CPD : https://forms.office.com/r/YMgBjqbWWG
For feedback form: https://forms.office.com/r/Xim1ADq2u3
We look forward to your attendance and full participation in this KOM CPC.
Thank you for your kind support.
Office of the Deputy Dean (Postgraduate)
Kulliyyah of Medicine
IIUM Kuantan