Kulliyyah of Medicine Safety, Health and Environment (KOMSHEC)
We are fully committed towards:
Prevention of human injury and ill health
Continual improvement in OSH management and performance
Compliance with applicable legal and other requirements
Providing adequate resources, facilities and equipment for staff members, students and related personnel
Providing sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision
Awareness of OSH obligations. The policy shall be documented, implemented, maintained and communicated to all staff members, students and related personnel.
OSH Policy Documents:
- KOM OSH Policy 2016
- KOM HIV Policy 2017
- Guidelines on OSH Act 1994 (Act 514)
- Guidelines on OSH in the Office (1996)
- Guidelines on First Aid in the Workplace (2004)
- Guidelines for Formulation of Chemicals SDS (1997)
- Guidelines for Classification of Hazardous Chemicals (1997)
- Guidelines for Classification, Labelling and SDS of Hazardous Chemicals (2013)
- Assessment of the Health Risks Arising from Use of Hazardous Chemicals in Workplace (2000)
- MS ISO 45001-2018