2023 Virtual Kulliyyah 3-Minute Thesis Competition

2023 Virtual Kulliyyah 3-Minute Thesis Competition
Assalamualaikum Wrt Wbt.,
Dear Prof. Dato’, Prof., Assoc. Prof. Dato’, Assoc. Prof., Asst. Prof., Dr.,
May this email reach you while you are in the best of Iman and health by the Grace of Allah SWT.
Please be informed that the Office of the Deputy Dean (Postgraduate & Research) in collaboration with the Department of Basic Medical Sciences will be organizing the 2023 Virtual Kulliyyah 3-Minute Thesis Competition at the Kulliyah level. The competition is open in two (2) categories:
1) PhD
2) Master (Clinical and non-clinical)
Therefore, please encourage your students to participate in the sessions as detailed below:
3MT Briefing Session with Dr. Mohd Asyraf Bin Abdull Jalil
Date : 22nd March 2023 / Wednesday
Time : 3.00 p.m.
Platform : Online Zoom
Deadline submission of recording video : 29th March 2023 (Wednesday)
2023 Virtual Kulliyyah 3-Minute Thesis Competition
Date : 6th April 2023 (Thursday)
Time : 2.00 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.
Platform: Hybrid
Attendance is compulsory for all PhD students as only winners from among them will represent the Kulliyyah at University Level. Master students are highly encouraged to attend. The students may register using this link: https://forms.office.com/r/hnr0jSzyLt
If you have further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Sr. Asma (asmaafiqah@iium.edu.my / 09 5704418).
Thank you. Wassalam.