IRep and Copyright Refresher Workshop

IRep and Copyright Refresher Workshop
The Repositories Unit (Gombak Campus) would like to organise an IREP and Copyright Refresher Training/Workshop for all Kulliyyah of Medicine lecturers. The details for the IREP refresher session are as follows:
Date: 30th June 2022 (Thursday)
Time: 2.30 -4.30 am
Platform: Zoom Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 917 6683 1926
Passcode: 605480
1. About IIUM Repository (IREP) – 25 minutes
(Speaker 2: Sr. Sakinah Kamaludin)
2. How to deposit publications in IREP – approximately 40 minutes
(Speaker 3: Sr. Suhani Saarani)
3. MyRA requirements: Section C1 (Publications) and Section E4 (Copyright) – 20 minutes
(Speaker 4: Br. Mohd. Ridzuan Musa)
4. Let’s Get Copyright – 25 minutes
(Speaker 1: Sr. Anis Aziyah,)
Q& A Session
Your kind support and attendance to this workshop is highly appreciated.