Invitation to the KOM Clinico-Pathological Conference 7/2024 : Unveiling the Unseen

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Office of the Deputy Dean (Postgraduate)

Invitation to the KOM Clinico-Pathological Conference 7/2024 : Unveiling the Unseen

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Assalamualaikum wrt wbt and Greetings,

Dear Prof., Assoc. Prof., Asst. Prof., Dr., Madam, Br., Sr,


May you receive this email while you are in the best of health and iman.


It is with great pleasure that we extend an invitation to you for the upcoming KOM Clinico-Pathological Conference 7/2024 entitled “Unveiling the Unseen” by the Department of Family Medicine as detailed below:


Date                 : 16th August 2024 (Friday)

Time                 : 8am – 9am

Platform           : zoom meeting (Meeting ID: 988 9300 3305,Passcode: 784599)

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We look forward to your attendance and full participation in this KOM Clinico-Pathological Conference. Your insights and contributions will undoubtedly enrich the discussions and contribute to the success of the event.


Thank you for your kind support.



Office of the Deputy Dean (Postgraduate)

Kulliyyah of Medicine 

IIUM Kuantan Campus



Date And Time

16-08-2024 @ 08:00 AM to
16-08-2024 @ 09:00 AM


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