OCD Ihya Ramadhan Programme – Friday Tazkirah 3/2022
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OCD Ihya Ramadhan Programme – Friday Tazkirah 3/2022
377 377 people viewed this event.
Dear IIUM Kuantan Community,
May this email reach you while you are in the best of circumstances by the mercy of ALLAH SWT.
Please be informed that the Office of the Campus Director will be organizing Friday Tazkirah No. 3/2022, which details are as follows:
Topic : ‘Ramadhan Tiket ke Syurga’
Speaker : Dr. Muhamad Hafiz b. Khamis Al Hafiz
Date / Day : 22nd April 2022 / 20 Ramadhan 1443 H/ Friday
Time : 9.00 am – 10.00 am
Platform : Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 991 3035 0797
Passcode: 936117
CTD points will be given
Thank you, والـسـلام