Message from the Dean

السلام عليكم ورحمة اللّه وبركاتة

In the name Allah the Most Gracious and Most Merciful. Praise and blessing to our beloved messenger Prophet Muhammad saw.

Welcome to Kulliyyah of Medicine.

Since its establishment in 1997, Kulliyyah of Medicine has already produced more than 2044 medical doctors, 173 clinical specialists and 135 scientists. We have almost 400 faculty members from diverse backgrounds and specialities. Our missions are for both faculty members and students to acquire and propagate the medical knowledge and skill in the spirit of tauhid (faith), integrating the qualities of faith (iman), knowledge (`ilm), and good character (akhlaq), as well as and building a culture that instils commitment for sustainable development, life-long learning and a deep sense of social responsibility for all humankind.

Since December 2019, the world has been shocked by an unprecedented pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection. COVID-19 has changed the landscape of education across the globe. Kulliyyah of Medicine is not spared from it. However, we persevered. Since the pandemic, our academic activities continued, whether remotely or by limited face-to-face clinical sessions. Our clinical postgraduates have become a part of the medical frontliners all over the country. Our experts have been called to assist the community and government in understanding COVID-19 and its effects. Despite the pandemic, over this period, 2044 of students graduated with MBBS and 308 with various postgraduate degrees.

COVID-19 will stay with us for a very long time. Kulliyyah of Medicine has taken and will continue taking proactive strategies to face the uncertain future in education. The University has also prepared Sejahtera Academic Framework that will help us to march forward into the future.

Kulliyyah of Medicine will continue working with local and international partners in the Ministry of Health Malaysia; Gulf Medical University, in Ajman, UAE; and Chattagram International Medical College & Hospital, Bangladesh.

Our Gender Dysphoria flagship programme has helped to benefit more than 200 participants and already went regional by organising an annual event for South-East Asia communities.

I wish to welcome more collaboration in contributing to the community and the world. May Allah (swt) guide us and continue to show us the right path.

Thank you and والسلام


Prof. Dr Jamalludin Ab Rahman 

Dean, Kulliyyah of Medicine

1 August 2021