You may view the availability of the venue through the following link :
Check Availability here
60/80 pax with LCD Projector (New capacity 25 Pax Including chairman)
60 Pax without LCD Projector (New Capacity 20 Pax including chairman)
Computer Lab.Level 2
36 Pax
Contact Person:
Sr. Shuhamah Abu Dahari
(ext 4426)
Br. Yusof Mahamad
(ext 4428)
To Booking Seminar Room Level 5
Sr. Faezah
(ext 4573)
175 pax with tables and chairs
For Clinical Examination Centre (CEC), SASMEC:
PIC: Sr. Faezah
For Indera Mahkota Exam Hall booking
For Exam Hall KOM :
PIC: Br. Azmi Abdullah
(ext 4427)
Computer- 25 pax
Sr. Rosazura Jasmi
(ext 4434)
Sr. Aisyah Binti Hassan
Contact Number: 09-5704476/013-9121194 (Whatapps)
Br Fadhlilullah
(HP No: 0169535483)