Full-Time Master Student Vacancy

Project Title:

An insight of the synbiotic role of Centella asiatica extract and probiotics in colon cancer prevention

Job Description:

Graduate research assistant position leading to a postgraduate study in the Kulliyyah of Pharmacy, IIUM in the field of microbiology/molecular biology. Involves a lot in probiotic, cell culture and gene expression work. Applicants should be able to work independently, with good management skill and dedicated with their work.

Project Synopsis:

Probiotics supplementation has been associated with intestinal health. Increasing evidence also shows that probiotics can metabolise phytochemicals, producing metabolites that protects the intestinal epithelium. Intake of Centella asiatica is known to contribute to health due to the rich content of phytochemicals, with a potential of being metabolised by probiotics. This study aims to evaluate the potential synbiotic role of Centella asiatica in the suppression of colon cancer cells.