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With the first intake of students in 1997, the Kulliyyah of Medicine has for 27 years been producing highly motivated and accomplished doctors practicing holistic medicine that enables them to lead the medical profession and to influence the medical practice all over the world. It also incorporates Tawheed (The Oneness of Allah SWT) in the delivery of knowledge by following the University philosophy on Islamisation of Human Knowledge, Integration and Internationalization to achieve Comprehensive Excellence (IIICE). This has enabled our graduates to continue on to become Surgeons, Physicians, Clinical Specialists, Health Directors, Hospital Directors, Professors and many other well renowned posts in the Ministry of Health Malaysia, University Hospitals and other International Organizations and Centers, leading the future of medicine in Malaysia and the world.

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KOM Onboarding Program 2025


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IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia (IMJM) formerly known as the International Medical Journal Malaysia (IMJM) is the official journal of the Kulliyyah (Faculty) of Medicine, International Islamic University Malaysia. It serves primarily as a forum for education and intellectual discourse for health professionals namely in clinical medicine but covers diverse issues relating to medical ethics, professionalism as well as medical developments and research in basic medical sciences. It also serves the unique purpose of highlighting issues and research pertaining to the Muslim world. Contributions to the IMJM reflect its international and multidisciplinary readership and include current thinking across a range of specialties, ethnicities and societies. IMJM is published quarterly, the dates of publication being the 1st day of the months of January, April, July and October.

ISSN: 1823-4631 / E-ISSN: 2735-2285

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