- What's KERICE?
- Objective
- Participant Guide
- Booth and Exhibition
- Winners
- Previous KERICE
The Kulliyyah of Engineering was established in 1994 to provide quality engineering education and research with a vision to be “A Global Centre of Innovative Engineering Education & Research with Values & Professional Ethics”. Towards achieving the vision, Kulliyyah of Engineering in conjunction with the celebration of KOE 25th anniversary takes the initiative to organise the programme that could promote the quality research and innovation to the kulliyyah’s community.
This exhibition is aimed to provide a platform for exposing research activities of the Kulliyyah to the University and industries. Furthermore, it is To provide an opportunity for the postgraduate and undergraduate students, researchers, and industrial partners to interact and exchange ideas amongst themselves. It is also an event to exhibit the Kulliyyah research outputs and this occasion is the best place to bridge the innovation gap with the industry counterpart.
- To expose the Kulliyyah’s research activities to other Kulliyyahs, Industry and Community.
- To provide an opportunity for the undergraduate students, postgraduate students, researchers, industrial partners and community members to interact and exchange ideas amongst themselves.
- To promote research culture within the Kulliyyah and the University.
- To promote collaborative research work between Kulliyyah, Industry and Community.
Participant Guide
There are 4 categories to be chosen from:
1. Postgraduate
2. FYP Project
3. IDP Project
4. Community Service/Flagship Project
The deadline for submitting the Abstract 22nd November 2022
Abstract acceptance will be notified on 25th November 2022
Participants must create a poster that includes the following elements: Introduction, objective, method, results, conclusion, and impact/potential applications
The deadline for the submission of the poster will be on 2nd December 2022
Winners will be announced on 22nd December 2022
An E-payment of RM 100.00 will be required from students upon submitting one’s registration until 2nd December 2022 via
Registration Form: bit.ly/KERICE2022
Dates stated are subject to change
Contact us:
KOE Head of Research: Prof Dr. Meftah Hrairi (meftah@iium.edu.my)
Join us to discover over 50 innovations, research, and community projects from various Departments, Research Units/Groups, and Research Centre