Kulliyyah of Education

تحديات تعليم اللغة العربية لوارثيها من أبناء اللَّاجِئِين السُّوريِّين بتُرْكِيا من مَنْظورِ الْمُعَلِّمينَ


This study aims to explore the challenges of teaching the Arabic language to its heritage speakers among Syrian refugee children in Turkey from the perspective of teachers. It discusses the impact of Turkish integration policies, which prioritize Turkish as the first language while marginalizing Arabic. As a result, the Arabic language skills of refugee children have weakened, posing a threat to their cultural, social, and potentially religious identity for future Syrian generations. The research adopts a qualitative methodology, utilizing semi-structured interviews as the primary data collection tool with a sample of Arabic language teachers involved in the “My Mother Tongue” project in the Hatay province of Turkey. The findings reveal several challenges, most notably the lack of governmental support, the weakness of curricula designed for heritage language learners, and the linguistic shift toward Turkish. The study also highlights the importance of motivating students, employing innovative teaching strategies, incorporating interactive activities, blending traditional and technological teaching methods, and integrating cultural aspects into Arabic language curricula for heritage speakers. The study recommends the development of comprehensive educational programs and curricula that address the needs of Syrian refugee children in Turkey, and the provision of support to teachers in order to improve the quality of education.


Al-Muqdad Al-Baraa Ibrahim
International Islamic Univerisity Malaysia

Erfan Abdeldaim

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