Kulliyyah of Education



Teachers’ Psycho-Demographic Dynamics and Students’ Academic Performance in Physical and Health Education in Ogun State

Abstract This correlational study assessed teachers’ psycho-demographic dynamics and students’ academic performance in Physical and Health Education in Ogun State, Nigeria. A convenience sample of 134 Physical and Health Education teachers was surveyed using a self-developed questionnaire comprising items measuring teachers’ psycho-demographic factors and students’ academic performance. Multiple regression analysis was employed for data analysis. The results revealed a significant relationship between teachers’ psycho-demographic dynamics and students’  academic performance in Physical and Health Education (R2 =0.418,  Adj. R2 =0.390, p-value < 0.5). The results also highlighted the relative contributions of school location, self-efficacy, gender,  self-esteem, teaching experience, educational qualifications and goal setting to the dependent measure. The study concluded that teachers’ psycho-demographic dynamics have a significant combined influence on students’ academic performance in Physical and Health Education in Ogun State. In particular, self-efficacy, gender, self-esteem, goal-setting, teaching experience, and educational qualification were found to significantly influence students’ academic performance. The study recommends that teachers’ incentives and pay structures be re-evaluated to create more opportunities for performance-based remunerations. By: Adewale Olugbemiga AdeleyeOlabisi Onabanjo University Nigeria Read more…


Artificial Intelligence-Dominated World: Can Cognitive Style Moderate Contribution of Students’ Creativity to Programming Achievement?

Abstract Programming skills are indispensable for the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools. However, secondary school students often encounter difficulties in this particular aspect of computer science. This study investigated the moderating influence of students’ cognitive styles on the contribution of their creativity to their learning of programming. Utilizing the correlational design, the study surveyed 270 senior secondary school three (SS3) students from public senior secondary schools in the Ikeja Local Government Area, Lagos State, Nigeria. The survey data was collected using the Students’ Achievement Test in Programming (r=0.74), Programming Creative Style Inventory (0.86), and Cognitive Style Inventory in Programming (r=0.76). The data collected were analysed through descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics of hierarchical multiple regression.The findings of the study indicated that both creativity and cognitive styles significantly contributed to students’ programming learning. However, cognitive style did not play a moderating role in the influence of creativity on students’ programming achievement. From these findings, the study recommended that teachers promote students’ creativity by employing essay questions rather than multiple-choice formats and adapt their instructional strategies to cater to the diverse needs of learners, regardless of their cultural backgrounds. This study sheds light on the significance of creativity and cognitive style in programming learning, and the findings can be utilized to design interventions aimed at enhancing programming learning among students with varying cognitive styles. By: Saka Adewale OwodunniOlabisi Onabanjo University Nigeria Olurinola DessyOlabisi Onabanjo University Nigeria Adebanjo AdedoyinOlabisi Onabanjo University Nigeria Read more…


Exploring Motives and Challenges in the Erasmus+ Student Mobility Program: A Case Study of Khazar University Students

Abstract A significant advancement in educational mobility is the emergence of the Erasmus+ program, which has facilitated study experiences abroad for numerous students, including those from Azerbaijan. Among them is Khazar University where there is a noticeable gap in research regarding the motives and challenges encountered by students participating in the Erasmus+ program. Additionally, the challenges faced by these students remain inadequately addressed, largely due to the absence of comprehensive documentation and transparent reporting of participants’ experiences. In line with this, this mixed-methods research explores the motives and challenges experienced by Erasmus+ students from Khazar University. The study involved 16 students who participated in the Erasmus+ program between 2017 and 2023. All 16 students participated in a quantitative survey conducted via an online questionnaire. Subsequently, semi- structured interviews were held with seven of them to gather qualitative data. Using SPSS for analysis, the findings revealed that the primary motives for participating in the program include the opportunity to study abroad, meet new people, have fun, and gain independence or self-sustainability. Conversely, students perceived the pre-Erasmus period as the most challenging, with paperwork being the most daunting challenge. However, significant hurdles during the Erasmus program include variations in education systems, financial constraints, and culture shock. After the Erasmus period, many students grapple with what can be described as “post-Erasmus adjustment syndrome.” The study will illuminate the policy makers and school administrators to address the identified challenges and tailor the students’ motives by providing comprehensive Erasmus+ information sessions, so the program should satisfactorily meet the expectations of the participants. By: Hamza ChirwaKHAZAR UNIVERSITY Read more…


Understanding Energy Practices in Ghanaian Higher Education: Lessons from Academic City University

AbstractThis research illuminates the imperative for strategic energy management within the higher education sector, as evidenced by the multifaceted challenges and opportunities elucidated across diverse university contexts. The comprehensive data collection efforts provided valuable insights into energy consumption patterns among various stakeholders, ranging from students and faculty to staff members locally. Moreover, the methodological rigor employed in data acquisition and analysis at Academic City University underscores the percentage of about 95% of staff, student and faculty having knowledge about energy management, only about 65% really practice effect energy management and hence the formulation of evidence-based policies and strategies for effective energy management. By leveraging these insights, universities can develop targeted interventions to optimize resource allocation, mitigate financial burdens, and foster a culture of energy consciousness and stewardship. By: Bismark BuduAcademic City University Ghana Jordan Oluwatito FadayiroAcademic City University Ghana Enoch LampteyAcademic City University Ghana Michael MensahAcademic City University Ghana Read more…


Strengthening Vocabulary Ability among Toddlers in their Early Childhood Literacy through the Reading Seed Programme (RSP)

AbstractThe Reading Seed Programme (RSP) by PUSTAKA Negeri Sarawak has the potential to be the main nationwide literacy programme, especially to inculcate a reading culture. For instance, the RSP is designed to aid children in developing their reading vocabulary, and the RSP’s target participants were pregnant mothers. The mothers would be utilising the RSP kits during pregnancy and after childbirth on their babies and toddlers. A substantial number of survey respondents were mothers and/or guardians of toddlers under three years old, and they shared their experiences with the RSP programme. Therefore, this paper aims to collect empirical data to assess the extent to which the RSP has achieved its objective of enhancing vocabulary ability among the toddlers during their participation in the reading programme. Convenience sampling was employed to collect the data among the RSP participants (the parents who enrolled in the RSP). This pilot study targeted RSP users in Kuching City, the hometown of PUSTAKA Negeri Sarawak. 385 respondents completed the online questionnaires, which yielded a 92.33% response rate. The findings of this research demonstrate that the RSP has proven to significantly contribute to the toddlers’ vocabulary ability in reading. However, the RSP needs to address individual learning capabilities, incorporate updates or monitoring systems, improve training, establish a strategic roadmap of the RSP outcomes, and clarify the programme’s attitudinal components with respect to the targeted outcomes. The RSP should continuously empower programme implementation to develop a global brand of early childhood reading programmes. By: Awang RozaimieFaculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Sarawak Malaysia. Aiza JohariAcademy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Sarawak, Malaysia Abdul Ismail Mohd JawiFaculty of Information Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Sarawak Malaysia. Norseha UninAcademy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Sarawak, Malaysia Read more…


تحديات تعليم اللغة العربية لوارثيها من أبناء اللَّاجِئِين السُّوريِّين بتُرْكِيا من مَنْظورِ الْمُعَلِّمينَ

Abstract This study aims to explore the challenges of teaching the Arabic language to its heritage speakers among Syrian refugee children in Turkey from the perspective of teachers. It discusses the impact of Turkish integration policies, which prioritize Turkish as the first language while marginalizing Arabic. As a result, the Arabic language skills of refugee children have weakened, posing a threat to their cultural, social, and potentially religious identity for future Syrian generations. The research adopts a qualitative methodology, utilizing semi-structured interviews as the primary data collection tool with a sample of Arabic language teachers involved in the “My Mother Tongue” project in the Hatay province of Turkey. The findings reveal several challenges, most notably the lack of governmental support, the weakness of curricula designed for heritage language learners, and the linguistic shift toward Turkish. The study also highlights the importance of motivating students, employing innovative teaching strategies, incorporating interactive activities, blending traditional and technological teaching methods, and integrating cultural aspects into Arabic language curricula for heritage speakers. The study recommends the development of comprehensive educational programs and curricula that address the needs of Syrian refugee children in Turkey, and the provision of support to teachers in order to improve the quality of education. By: Al-Muqdad Al-Baraa IbrahimInternational Islamic Univerisity Malaysia Erfan AbdeldaimIIUM Read more…


Islamic Education Management and Mental Health Guidance as Treatment for Patients With a Mild Disorder: Supporting and Inhibiting Factors

Abstract This phenomenological study describes the supporting and inhibiting factors of Islamic educational management and mental health guidance rendered to patients with a mild disorder at two Indonesian social rehabilitation centres. Data were collected from semi-structured individual interviews with 10 participants (seven men and three women aged between 23 and 61 years) who comprised managers, social workers, assistants, kiayis or ustads (religious teachers), and patients with mild mental health disorders at the two centres. Data were analysed for recurring patterns, themes and subthemes using Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis (CAQDAS) and N-Vivo. The findings highlight two categories of support and inhibition, i.e., internal and external factors. Internal support factors include client engagement, the roles of companions and social workers, adequate funding and proper infrastructure. External support factors include stakeholders, cooperation, clients’ families, and available funding. On the other hand, a major internal factor that inhibits the implementation of Islamic education and mental health guidance is the clients themselves with all their issues, while external inhibitors stem from the government, bad weather conditions, the lack of funds, and the absence of family to support ODGJs. The findings underscore the importance of improving current practices in Islamic social rehabilitation as these practices will increase the likelihood of patients’ recovery from mental health disorder. Further research should consider developing a holistic Islamic approach to rehabilitation and spiritual healing that integrates solat, dhikir, Qur’an reading and God-centred conversations to help ODGJs return to normal life. By: Awang SaputraMuhammadiyah Jakarta University Indonesia Adi FahrudinMuhammadiyah Jakarta University Indonesia Munaya FauziahMuhammadiyah Jakarta University Indonesia Read more…


فلسفة سياسات التعليم الأخضر ومتطلباته في الجامعات السعودية رؤية تربوية مقترحة وفق تصنيف جرين ماتريكس

Abstract The study aimed to reveal the philosophy of green education policies and its requirements in Saudi universities, a proposed educational vision according to the Green Matrix classification, and the study used the descriptive approach, and the study resulted in a number of results, including: that green education is an urgent necessity to confront the challenges of climate change, and it is a type Education comes simultaneously with the great technological development and with the broad and complex digital transformation in all institutions and companies within society. And that green education in general has a great Islamic dimension due to the interest of many legal texts and jurisprudential rulings, in everything that would rebuild the earth and preserve its safety and health from anything that threatens the lives of living organisms in it, and that one of the requirements of green education is to include the philosophy of the educational policies of universities. Saudi Arabia, in line with the philosophy of green education, and the requirement to intensify financial funding for research and scientific chairs related to the environment, and to provide laboratories equipped with the latest technological systems, and experts in renewable energy to train researchers in the use of environmentally friendly products, presenting a proposed educational vision according to the Green Matrix classification. By: Samera BajaberUMM AL-QRA UNIVERSITY Read more…


أثر القيادة الدميقراطية على الرضا الوظيفي لدى معلمي املدارس السعودية خارج اململكة

Abstract This research aimed to clarify the democratic leadership impact on the job satisfaction of Saudi school teachers abroad, by studying the direct impact of the principles of democratic leadership (delegation, participation, human relations) on job satisfaction from the teacher’s point of view themselves. The research counted on the descriptive analytical approach. Furthermore, the researcher used the questionnaire as a tool for collecting data by applying it to a random bunch consisting of (179) male and female teachers from Saudi schools abroad during the academic year 2023/2024 AD. In order to process the research data, the statistical package program (SPSS) was used as well as multiple linear correlation was applied to measure the relationship among the research variables. The results showed that there is a positive correlation between the application of democratic leadership and job satisfaction among male and female teachers in Saudi schools abroad. Additionally, the most influential dimension of democratic leadership on job satisfaction among teachers in Saudi schools abroad is (the human relations dimension). Considering these results, the research included several recommendations for those who are in charge of the Saudi educational system in general, The most important of which is that the Ministry of Education is interested in strengthening the concepts of democratic leadership in schools at their various stages, by holding more training courses and workshops. By: Ayid AlshomraniMinistry of Education Saudi Arabia Ismail Hussein AmzatInternational Islamic University Malaysia Read more…


The Sudden Death of a Child: Unveiling Nigerian Mothers’ Experiences of Grief

Abstract The sudden death of a child is one of the most devastating losses a mother can experience. This experience is often associated with shock, trauma, and grief. Mothers in Nigeria face a high prevalence of sudden child deaths. Hence, the aim of this phenomenological study was to explore the challenges and grief experiences of mothers following the sudden death of a child, using focus group discussions (FGD) as a platform for investigation. The researcher served as the group leader and interviewer, working with four women from the Ministry of Women Affairs in Nigeria. The participants were four bereaved mothers, married for at least five years, who had lost a child. They were purposively selected for the study through word-of-mouth communication and announcements posted on the Ministry of Women Affairs notice board. Thematic data analysis was used to identify patterns, meaning and themes in the FGD data, which was derived from discussion, observations, and the experiences shared by the participants. The analysis revealed four major themes in the bereaved mothers’ grief experiences, including managing the emotional pain of the loss, coping with the reality of the death, having poor support systems, and struggling to move forward after the loss. The implications on professional grief counselling and support are discussed to assist grieving mothers to cope better in times of grief. By: Ruqayat Owoyemi RajiInternational Islamic University Malaysia Haniza RaisInternational Islamic University Malaysia Ismail Sheikh AhmadInternational Islamic University Malaysia Read more…

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