‘KOSmosis’ Research Talk Series

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‘KOSmosis’ Research Talk Series

‘KOSmosis’ Research Talk Series

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Dear all Kulliyyah members.

The office of the Head of Responsible Research and Innovation in collaboration with the IOHK Kulliyyah of Science, cordially invites you to participate in the latest ‘KOSmosis’ Research Talk Series. The event will start with the usual Al-Mathurat Recitation followed by a talk. Following are the details of the program:

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohd. Hirzie Bin Mohd. Rodzhan

Research Talk Title
Developing a Systematic Trading Algorithm for Financial Market Using Fractal-Technical Analysis.

KBM Meeting room/ FB Live/ Zoom Meeting

Date /Day
2nd August 2024/ Friday

8.15   –  8.45 a.m   : Breakfast**
8.45   –  9.00 a.m   : Al-Mathurat Recitation
9.00   –  11.00 p.m : Talk Session by Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohd. Hirzie Bin Mohd. Rodzhan

** Light breakfast will be served to all. We welcome potluck and sadaqah too. For those interested to make a donation, kindly contact one of these three PICs:


Date And Time

2024-08-02 @ 08:00 AM to
2024-08-02 @ 11:00 AM


Online event

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