أهلا وسهلا

Email : doaklm@iium.edu.my
The Department of Arabic (DOA) was first established at the end of 2017 in Gombak as one of the departments in Kulliyyah of Languages and Management (KLM), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and then changed the name to Department of Arabic Language (DOAL) when we moved to the new campus of IIUM at Pagoh Edu Hub in Pagoh Campus, Johor in 2018. The Department of Arabic Language started to offer its undergraduate program; Bachelor of Arts in Arabic for International Communication (Honours) programme (ARCOM) and postgraduate program; Master of Arts in Teaching Arabic for Specific Purposes (MTASP) in 2013 until present, and recently a PhD Program in Arabic Language for Specific Purposes (P_ASP). The courses offered in both undergraduate and postgraduate programs integrate learning that combines all aspects of language skills and contents through transformative teaching and learning to improve students’ Arabic competency and communication skills, personal and interpersonal development, critical thinking, creativity and innovation, and social responsibility, all of which are critical for meeting the current market demand. Input on Islamic perspectives has been incorporated into the courses to make the graduates more aware of their roles as the Khalifah and Murabbi in this challenging scenario and current development.