The General Studies Unit focuses on promoting intercultural understanding by having graduate to dive into studies of culture, grammar, communication and more. Our aim is to establish students with high level of proficiency in foreign Languages with excellent communication skills to compliment balanced language development and needs of the job market, with a good critical thinking skills on wide range of worldview in Islamisation.
The General studies is fully committed to a high standard of teaching. A small group, problem-centred teaching philosophy complements the use of technology facilities. General Studies Unit strives to provide students of all Kulliyyah and their various fields of studies with learning different languages (Japanese, Mandarin, French, and Korean). Currently, the General Studies Unit offers Minor in Japanese Language, Minor in Mandarin Language, and two elective courses in Korean and French Language.
Going forward, the Kulliyyah are ready to embark on offering degree programmes related to these foreign languages. Courses in this area will be offered and taught by qualified lecturers and international experts. At present, the unit has 7 instructors comprising of, Lǎoshī, Sensei, Seonsaengnim and Professeure.