Kulliyyah of Education



The Birth of the Era of Pseudo-Articles

The “publish or perish”culture has indeed overtaken the academic landscape, leading many of us—academics and researchers—to prioritize the quantity of our work over its quality. In the context of journal publication, the pressure to publish the “right” number of articles in every issue is pushing editors almost to the edge, forcing us to make difficult decisions that sometimes compromise our own integrity as academics and the integrity of the articles we publish. As an academic who has derived much of my own knowledge from empirical articles (I spent countless hours sitting in my university libraries back in the 90s and 2000s poring over journals), I truly believe in the power of reading, and in the power, rigor, and integrity of academic journals. Back in those days, when access to knowledge was not as pervasive as it is today with the multitude of online databases and AI-powered search tools, we had to rely completely on printed journals. We would comb through thepages of printed books and articles—very patiently so—in seek of knowledge, and at the end of the long process, every piece of information about theories, constructs and research methodology felt hard-won. Read more …


Development of Metacognitive Strategies Framework through Education 4.0 for Graduate Employability and Learning Sustainability

The main goal of entering higher education institutions (HEI) is employability. In response to the 4th Industrial Revolution (IR), Education 4.0 enables new potentials and promises through technology. Despite the benefits of Education 4.0 stated, there are challenges present in the system. The objectives of this study were to identify the metacognitive strategies and how Education 4.0 enhance learning sustainability and graduate employability. The next objective was to examine the effectiveness of the metacognitive strategies framework on sustainable learning and employability through Education 4.0. Mixed methods were used in data collection using exploratory sequential design. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants from three categories of university alumni, lecturers, and experts from the industries. From the findings of the interviews, an instrument was developed and distributed to experts in higher education and new employee hiring. Two rounds of the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) were conducted to analyse the data from the quantitative method. There are seven metacognitive strategies that enhance graduate employability and learning sustainability which are showcase self, self-improvement, exposure, self-study and study group, career development and training, reflection of learning, and teaching approaches. Three themes were identified in response to how Education 4.0 enhances learners’ learning sustainability and employability which are Purpose, Advantages, and Disadvantages. A framework was then developed, integrating both metacognitive strategies and Education 4.0. This framework could assist graduates in equipping themselves with the skillsets needed to become more visible to employers and increase their employability and learning sustainability in the future. Nur Sakinah Ahmad NasaruddinInternational Islamic University Malaysia Mohd. Shukri NordinInternational Islamic University Malaysia  Muhammad Sabri SahrirInternational Islamic University Malaysia  Afiza Mohamad AliInternational Islamic University Malaysia Read More

main_ijes, Uncategorized

The Impact of Implementing an Enrichment Program on the Awareness of Post-Basic Education Students in the Sultanate of Oman Regarding Islamic Values

This research aims to enhance the cognitive awareness of Islamic values to students in post basic education in Sultanate of Oman. That is by implementing an enrichment program suggested to Islamic studies curriculums of grade eleven and measuring the impact of the program in developing the cognitive enrichment on them. The researcher used a “quantitative method” process as combined both qualitative curriculum and quantitative curriculum. The study sample consisted of 350 students. Chosen by a “simple random” method, of which are (200 male students) and (150 female students). From 8 schools in Muscat governate (Muscat state and Mutrah state) conformed as (4 male schools) and (4 female schools). As per the research tools they consisted of an analysis form by the title of “grade 11 Islamic study curriculum both semesters analysis forum” and a “values measurement”. Included 40 questions reflects real life scenarios cohere with the nature of Islamic values aimed to be developed, to evaluate their progress across the program. The statistical analysis was performed by (SPSS program). Which from the results showed that the approximate values in all the measured areas of cognitive awareness of Islamic values of grade 11 students post basic in Sultanate of Oman were lower than default significance of 0.05. Thus, it indicates differences of statistical significance between the average marks of the students in the experimental group and the average marks of the students in the control group in all relevant applications of the program. Thus, indicating that the enrichment program suggested to Islamic studies curriculum has a measurable effect on the enhancing the cognitive awareness of Islamic studies in grade 11 post basic students in Sultanate of Oman. The researcher has passed some recommendations one of which developing similar enrichment programs that enhances the current studied curriculum aiming to develop and elevate the cognitive awareness of such values for students in all grades and levels of studies in Sultanate of Oman.

main_ijes, Uncategorized

Differences in Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Between Experienced and Less Experienced Computer Teachers in Ogun State, Nigeria

This study assessed differences in technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) between experienced and less experienced computer studies teachers in Ogun State, Nigeria. Three research questions were used in the survey research, with a total number of two hundred (200) respondents, using multistage sampling technique. The instrument used was an adapted test scale measuring technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK), technological content knowledge (TCK) and technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). It is divided into two sections with a reliability coefficient value of 0.78, 0.72 and 0.71 respectively, while data was analysed with t-test statistical method. The study revealed no significant difference in the technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK) between experienced and less experienced computer teachers (t = 0.346, P > 0.05), significant difference in the technological content knowledge (TCK) between experienced and less experienced computer teachers (t =2.423, P < 0.05) and significant difference in the technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) between experienced and less experienced computer teachers (t =1.306, P < 0.05). In the recommendation, professional development in terms of continuous workshop, in-service training and seminar should be constantly organised for both experienced and less experienced secondary school computer teachers in Ogun State for improved TPK. Also, in-service training and seminar should be constantly provided for less experienced computer teachers in Ogun State for improved TCK and TPACK. Abiola OloriOlabisi Onabanjo University Saka Adewale OwodunniOlabisi Onabanjo University   Read More


The Implementation Structure of Work-Based Learning (WBL) in Malaysia: The Perspective of Industry

The industry has been looking for a teaching structure for tertiary education to address the knowledge gap in potential talents. Work-Based Learning (WBL) is a teaching and learning approach in which the industry is directly involved in the knowledge delivery process. Students are put in the industry and receive direct instruction from industry specialists. However, the specific forms and implementation of WBLs in Malaysia’s higher education sector remain unclear. As WBL is a new learning culture in Malaysia, challenges such as the industry’s low involvement rate, students’ adaptation to the learning style, and the status of the higher education institutions are yet to be discovered. This qualitative study employed semi-structured interviews with five coaches from ViTrox Technologies and eight students from University Tunku Abdul Rahman, University Technology Malaysia, and Forward School. A total of twelve interviews were conducted, focusing on the common practices of WBL, student experiences, and opinions towards WBL. Thematic analysis was used to systematically identify and interpret recurring themes within the qualitative data. The study found six key areas for enhancing WBL implementation: communication between industry coaches, lecturers, and students; roles of higher education institutions, industry, and students; WBL placement duration; coaching time; self-learning support; and WBL assessment standards. This study recommends a more practical application of WBL in the Malaysian context to promote WBL in Malaysia and strengthen collaboration between industry and academics in WBL Keng Hao MooViTrox College, Penang, Malaysia   Read More

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