
The Harun M. Hashim Law Centre was established in July 1997 and started its full operation in 1998 under the auspices of the Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) to offer selected academic programmes and specialized training courses in various disciplines of law in the course of promoting lifelonglearning. We offer continuing legal education mainly for professionals from various professions seeking to improve and broaden their knowledge in various disciplines of law, legal research, writing and enhance professional competency.

The Office

DirectorAssoc. Prof. Dr. Zuraidah Bt. Hj Ali
Deputy DirectorAsst. Prof. Dr. Norjihan Binti Ab Aziz
Finance AdvisorAssoc. Prof. Dr. Nor Hafizah Bt. Zainal Abidin
ManagerNurul Hazwani Binti Ideris
Saidatul Syida Ahamad
Administrative AssistantErra Fazlina Bt Mohd Fadzil
AccountantNabilah Binti Mohazam
Assistant AccountantNitia Tiara Binti Ayani



 Stay Connected

For more information, click here to visit the Harun M Hashim Law Centre website (https://centre.iium.edu.my/law-centre/) or call (+603) 6421 4273/ 4274/ 4277/ 4278