Academic programmes and student activities at IIUM are designed to support the University educational philosophy. Psychology programme, too, is designed to equip students with the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics relevant to the needs of the society and world of work. Given this context, the Department of Psychology at IIUM is proud to offer academic and service activities that are relevant to the needs of diverse stakeholders and the broader community.
As a Department, we were established in 1990 (along with a number of other Human Science departments in the Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences) on the fundamental principles of quality teaching and learning, evidence-based practice and scientific research, as well as meaningful interdisciplinary collaboration and sustainable community engagement. We offer a four-year full-time programme of studies leading to the Bachelor of Human Sciences with Honours in Psychology, and postgraduate degrees at the Master and Ph.D. levels. We adhere to the general vision and mission of the University and aim to provide students with knowledge, interpersonal skills, and Islamic values. A unique feature to be found in all the programmes is the Islamisation of knowledge.
Twenty years after its establishment, Psychology at IIUM has produced a huge number of graduates (about 4000 alums). Many regard psychology services as a significant service that could promote personal development, foster potential, and nurture well-being. There is also a growing awareness among people, at all levels in the society, about the need for psychologists; be it general practitioners, policymakers, or researchers. Therefore, it is timely that Psychology should be expanded to benefit the wider community through various types of services.
Psychology and IIUM Mission
- To undertake the special and greatly needed task of reforming the contemporary Muslim mentality and integrating Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences in a positive manner;
- To produce better quality intellectuals, professionals, and scholars by integrating the qualities of faith (iman), knowledge (`ilm), and good character (akhlaq);
- To serve as agents of comprehensive and balanced progress as well as sustainable development in Malaysia and in the Muslim world;
- To promote the concept of Islamisation of human knowledge in teaching, research, consultancy, the dissemination of knowledge, and the development of academic excellence in the university;
- To nurture the quality of holistic excellence, which is imbued with Islamic moral-spiritual values, in the process of learning, teaching, research, consultancy, publication, administration, and student life;
- To exemplify an international community of dedicated intellectuals, scholars, professionals, officers, and workers who are motivated by the Islamic worldview and code of ethics as an integral part of their work culture;
- To enhance intercultural understanding and foster civilizational dialogues in Malaysia as well as across communities and nations;
- To develop an environment that instils commitment for life-long learning and a deep sense of social responsibility among staff and students.
Our Mission
To provide high quality and integrated research, teaching, and learning and consultancy with the aim of improving the quality of life of the Ummah and humanity
Our Vision
To be a leading centre of integrated research, teaching and learning, and consultancy of psychology
Our Aims
We are responding to the external expectations
- in training our students to think critically, analyse things properly, and communicate effectively;
- in conducting research that attends to emerging social milieus;
- in providing the needed psychological services to the community.
We are moving towards becoming a well-structured programme that serves the needs in Malaysia.
Our motivation is to provide value and impact to the stakeholders, to best serve our students, and to adopt ‘Itqan’ at work.
- Head of Department
- Tel: +603 6421 5146
- Fax: +603 6421 5063
- Coordinator PSU
- Administrative Assistant
- Tel: +603 6421 5147
- Assistant Engineer
- Tel: +603 6421 3103
- Prof.Dr.Shukran Abd.Rahman
- Assoc.Prof.Dr.Lihanna Borhan
- Assoc.Prof.Dr.Mariam Adawiah Dzulkifli
- Assoc.Prof.Dr.Nazariah Shar’ie Janon
- Assoc.Prof.Dr.Nor Diana Mohd.Mahudin
- Dr.Haffiezhah An-Nadiah Azlan
- Dr.Intan Aidura Alias
- Dr.Jamilah Hanum Abdul Khaiyom
- Dr.Jusmawati Fauzaman
- Dr.Maisarah Mohd Taib
- Dr.Mardiana Mohamad
- Dr.Mohd Ferdaus Harun
- Dr.Nurul Miza Mohd Rashid
- Dr.Pamilia Lourdunathan
- Dr.Ruhaya Hussin
- Dr.Siti Inarah Hasim@Hashim
- Dr.Suriati Sidek
- Dr.Usman Jaffer
- Muhammad Haikal Ahmad Pua’Ad
- Muhammad Karimi Sulaiman
- Nur Aini Alegrea Suñer
- Nurul Izzati Asyikin Zulkifly
- Syed Ahmad Muhajir Alhaddad Syed Esa
- Nasehah Mohd Taib
- Adibah Hussin
- Ku Nurul Izzah Ku Seman
All undergraduate and postgraduate programmes offered by the Department can be accessed via this link:-
Psychological Clinic
We provide psychological services to professional community and community at large. The Psychological Services Unit (PSU) is our service centre where the academic members provide culturally relevant services to the campus population and the community while contributing to the education in the various specialisation fields in Psychology. PSU also serves as a training centre for graduate students in clinical and counselling psychology. In these ways, the PSU directly supports the Department’s mission of enhancing individual and community quality of life.
Our services include individual and group therapy, psychological evaluations, couples and family counselling, parenting consultations, and other training or workshops relevant to the field of psychology. People may approach us for appointments or consultations by sending us an email at
Our administration office is located on the second floor of the Human Sciences building. Our research and teaching are supported by adequate facilities covering all of the sub-disciplines in the Department. At present, we have:
- One Ibn Al-Qayyim Psycho education room, used primarily as a departmental meeting room and for postgraduate colloquium sessions.
- One Al-Farabi computer laboratory for research, experimental work, and quantitative analysis.
- One Ibn al-Haytham laboratory for experimental research in psychophysiology, learning, and perception.
- Two Ibn Tufayl counselling labs (individual and group counselling) for observation and training purposes, allowing students to hone their counselling skills.
- One Ibn Al-Jawzi test library where all psychological tests and inventories are kept. A list of testing materials that we have in this library can be accessed via this link:
- One resource room where all psychology text books and students’ theses are available for reference.
- One operation room for the members of the Psychology Students’ Association (PSYCSTA).
We also have one Lab Assistant who oversees the library and laboratories. We maintain a constant focus on developing laboratories and libraries that enable students and researchers conduct important and impactful psychological assessments and experiments. Our laboratory will be further developed to emulate good psychology laboratories in other reputable academic and research institutions.

Forms and Testing List
Person In-Charge
Zaid Mohd Ghani Basri (Lab Assistant)
under construction
Under Construction