Kulliyyah of Sustainable Tourism and Contemporary Languages

Congratulations to all ARCOM and MTASP students who have graduated in the IIUM 39th Convocation Ceremony 2023!

The Department of Arabic Language, Kulliyyah of Languages and Management, IIUM Pagoh, is pleased to extend congratulations to the graduating class of 2023 for the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Arabic for International Communication and for the Master of Arabic for Specific Purposes.

The department also has the pleasure to congratulate:

Sr. Anis Azrina Binti Anuar for her winning the Best Master Student Award Kulliyyah level in the 39th IIUM Convocation Ceremony on Sunday 27th November 2023. Sr. Anis Azrina successfully graduated with a Master of Arts Teaching Arabic for specific Purposes. (MTASP).

Sr. Nurhani Binti Raihan for her winning the Best Student Award (Academic) Kulliyyah level in the 39th IIUM Convocation Ceremony on Sunday 28th November 2023. Sr. Nurhani Binti Raihan successfully graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Arabic for International Communication.

Sr. Mashitah Binti Hussin for her winning the Best Student (Department Level)in the 39th IIUM Convocation Ceremony on Sunday 28th November 2023. Sr. Mashitah Binti Hussin successfully graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Arabic for International Communication.