Pattani, 3 March 2024. A half-day seminar on Islamic law in Malaysia and Thailand: Between Ideals and Challenges in the Digital Era was held at the Faculty of Islamic Studies and Laws at Fatoni University (FTU), Pattani, on 29th February 2024. The seminar is a collaboration between the Department of Islamic Law, AIKOL and the Department of Shariah and Laws, Faculty of Islamic Studies, FTU. About 50 participants attended the seminar online and as well as at the seminar venue in FTU.

The seminar was officiated by Prof Muhammad Zakee Che Ha, Deputy Rector, Academic and Research, FTU. He also presented his paper in the seminar on The Application of Islamic Law in Thailand: A Study on the New Draft Proposed by the National Political Party. Our Head, Department of Islamic Law. Dr Uzaimah Ibrahim was also to deliver her welcoming remarks on behalf of the Kulliyyah and University.

A speaker from Fatoni University, Mr Abdul Halim Maha, presented his paper on the Legal Evaluation of Child Marriage with Foreigners in Southern Thailand. The session was moderated by Dr Afridah Abas from the Legal Practice Department. Among the presenters was Dr Nor Hafizah Mohd Badrol Afandi, who presented her paper on Legal Systems in Malaysia together with another presenter, Dr Ramizah Wan Muhammad.

Dr Tajul Aris Ahmad Bustami presented his paper on the Administration of Muslims’ Estates in Malaysia: Issues and Challenges. Prof To’ Dr Nor Asiah Mohammad presented her paper on the Management of Waqf and Endowment in Higher Education Institutions in Malaysia in the Digital Era: Issues and Challenges.

AIKOL also took the opportunity to prepare Bakul Ramadhan for some of the Muslim community in Kampung Nam Bo, Pattani. The Bakul Ramadhan was prepared from the donation drive collected from AIKOL staff and their family members.