Kota Kinabalu, 26 September 2023. YA Ahadin bin Arinen, representing the Chief Syarie Judge of Sabah, welcomes the delegation from Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws to the Sabah Department of Shariah Judiciary. He appreciates the efforts of scholars to expand cooperation in disseminating knowledge and skills.

Prof Farid Sufian Shuaib, the Dean of Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws expresses his high regard to the responsibility of the Shariah judiciary in presenting to the masses the objectives and beauties of Islamic law through its implementation. To that end, the Dean welcomes collaborative research and sharing of knowledge between the Kulliyyah and the judiciary.
Assoc Prof Dr Zuraidah Hj Ali, the Director of Harun M. Hashim Law Centre affirms the Centre readiness to assist in providing continuing education for Shariah practitioners in Sabah through the programme of the Postgraduate Diploma in Administration of Islamic Judiciary (DAIJ) and the Postgraduate Diploma in Syariah Legal Practice (DSLP).