Gombak, 7 December 2023. AIKOL and the Islamic University of Maldives agree to work together in research works relating to climate change and Sustainable Development Goals.
Prof Farid Sufian Shuaib, the Dean of Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws and Dr Sodiq Omoola meet with Dr Ali Zahir, the Vice Chancellor of the Islamic University of Maldives together with Dr Saudhulla Ali, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs).
The Dean shares that the Kulliyyah is working on the Climate Change issues through the IIUM Climate Change Policy and Law Centre (CCPLC) which was established with the grant from the European Union Erasmus+ programme.
Both parties also agree to share expertise in enhancing students participation in mooting competition and appreciation of cultural and societal outlooks through mobility programmes.
For more on IIUM CCPLC, see: https://kulliyyah.iium.edu.my/aikol/erasmus-climate-change-policy-and-law-project/