Gombak, 23 May 2022. Prof Farid Sufian Shuaib, the Dean of Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL) in his welcoming remarks at the 2022 Webinar on Climate Change asserts that climate change is real as experienced by everyone in the rising of the world temperature, increasing rainfall and rising of frequency and extremity of floods. Thus, it is necessary for all citizens of the world to take appropriate actions to adapt and to mitigate the changes and the impacts.

The Southeast Asia Plus Research Unit of AIKOL (SEA+) together with the Climate Change Policy and Law Centre of AIKOL (CCLPC) in recognising the dire impacts of climate change organise the 2022 Webinar on Climate Change in concert with the Faculty of Law, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia. CCLPC is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
The moderator, Dr Nasaruddin Abdul Rahman who is also the Coordinator of the SEA+ welcomes the speakers and participants from Malaysia, Indonesia and Australia.
The first speaker, Dr Laely Nurhidayah speaks on Climate Change Adaptation Policy in the Forestry Sector in Indonesia: Opportunities and Challenges; Professor Dr Sharifah Zubaidah Syed Abd Kader as the second speaker discusses the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation through Land Use Decision Making in Malaysia; the third speaker Dr Indria Wahyuni addresses the Indonesia Strategy in Renewable Energy to Achieve Its Obligations in Climate Change. The final speaker, Dr Mostafa M Naser discusses the Climate Change, Human Mobility and International Law.