Gombak, 10 August 2022. Members of Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL) consider the need of the Islamisation of the self in their pursuit of fulfilling the vision of AIKOL in working towards just laws and just legal systems through harmonisation of Shariah and law and champion by balanced graduates.
Professor Farid Sufian Shuaib in welcoming colleagues observes the necessity of all members to believe in the vision of AIKOL and to work together in capturing the vision.
In the AIKOL Ibadah Camp 2022, the Kulliyyah discusses the ethics of disagreement in Islam and the fundamental teachings of AhlusSunnah walJama’ah. Professor Dr Akmal Khuzairy Abd Rahman and Professor Dr Waleed Fekry Faris lead the discussion. Dato’ Hamidon Abdul Hamid provides the tafsir of Surah al-Mu’minun.
Professor Dr Shukran Abd Rahman shares his observations on the characteristics of altruistic behaviours which leads to the discussion by Associate Professor Dr Zainal Abidin Sanusi on volunteerism in IIUM.
Ustaz Hamid Jusoh provides the introspection of the self and of the management of the Kulliyyah by using the gold standard shown by Rasulullah (s.a.w) in his ibadah and his community leadership including being steadfast in congregational prayers.