Surabaya, Indonesia, 21 November 2023. Prof Farid Sufian Shuaib, the Dean of Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia in a meeting with representative of the Faculty of Law, University of Airlangga led by Dr M. Syaiful Aris, the Vice Dean of Human Resources and Finance agrees that their next collaboration should be on joint research.
Prof Farid Sufian Shuaib takes the opportunity to meet the team from the Faculty of Law including Dr Indira Retno Aryatie and Dr E Joeni Arianto Kurniawan while fulfilling the invitation from the law school for a Guest Lecture.
For a previous visit by the Faculty of Law, University of Airlangga, see: https://kulliyyah.iium.edu.my/aikol/aikol-plans-more-collaborations-with-faculty-of-law-unair/