Petaling Jaya, 4 October 2022. The law schools from UM, IIUM, UiTM, UUM, UKM, UniSZA and USIM discusses the offering of legal aid services and the clinical legal education course by the public universities. The Faculty of Law, University of Malaya organises the sharing session under the auspices of Majlis Dekan Undang-Undang.

The presentation of the experience of University Malaya’s legal aid clinic (Klinik Bantuan Guaman Universiti Malaya) working together with the course Clinical Legal Education is very useful for other law schools to consider. The discussion is led by Dato’ Assoc Prof Dr Johan Shamsuddin Hj Sabaruddin, the Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Malaya.

Prof Farid Sufian Shuaib, the Dean of Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL), together with Mdm Shahnaz Zuriati Sabri, the Head of the Legal Practice Department, Dr Shukriah Mohd Sheriff, the Coordinator of the IIUM Legal Aid Services and Mr Ibrahim Ismail, the Coordinator of the Clinical Legal Education explain the set up and the processes of Legal Aid Services and the offering of the course Clinical Legal Education at AIKOL.
As the second law school in Malaysia that offers the course Clinical Legal Education which provide experiential learning for students, the team from AIKOL also explains that the course has been offered for two semesters starting in 2021.
This is the second sharing session under auspices of the Majlis Dekan Undang-Undang. The first one was organised by AIKOL on 15th October 2021 discussing the topic of curriculum and the delivery of the law foundation programmes.
For the IIUM Legal Aid Services: https://kulliyyah.iium.edu.my/aikol/about-us-2/