Gombak, 19 February 2024. In a post-pandemic revival of the mobility programme between Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL) and Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, eleven students and two Professors of Ritsumeikan University, participate in an educational visit to Malaysia between 18th February to 21st February to see for themselves and to experience the legal pluralism and multi-culturalism in Malaysia.

Prof Jackson Lachlan and Prof Yuyama, the head of the delegation, explain that the visit is part of an ASEAN tour to expose the students to new cultures and comparative law in the region. The participants chose Malaysia along with Thailand as part of the Educational Tour. The last time such a visit was held was in 2018, just before the pandemic. The students are happy for the opportunity to be in IIUM. Dr Sodiq Omoola, the Coordinator for Internationalisation of AIKOL, organises the educational visit.
As part of a four-day trip, the executive members of AIKOL’s Law Students Society (LAWSOC), led by its President, Sis Naielah Nafisah Muhammad Zarkashi, accompany and assist with the visit. The learning opportunity commences on 19th February with a talk on Sustainability Education at the Sejahtera Centre (SC4SH). The Director of the centre highlights the efforts of IIUM towards sustainable development activities through the curriculum. Dr. Zati Ilham Abdul Manaf enlightens the visitors on the harmonisation of laws and the curriculum at the Kulliyyah while Prof. Farid Sufian – the Dean of AIKOL shares his view regarding the Malaysian Legal System.

Our institutional partners also host the visitors and expose them the role of the institutions in Malaysia. At the Asian International Arbitration Centre and Bank Negara Malaysia Museum and Arts Gallery the participants tour the facilities and activities of the landmark institutions. One of the MOU partners with IIUM – the Malaysian Competition Commission (MyCC) welcomes the visitors and they depart from Malaysia on 21st February.
Following this visit, Ritsumeikan is set to take the collaboration to the next level through a Memorandum of Understanding which is to be facilitated by the Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM.