Shah Alam, 13 April 2022. YAA Dato’ Mohammad Adib bin Husain, the Chief Syarie Judge of the State of Selangor welcomes the proposition of collaboration with Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL) in mutually benefitting endeavours for both institutions. The Department is looking at collaboration in enhancing competency in the area of mediation and in reporting of judgments.
YAA Dato’ Mohammad Adib bin Husain, as an alumnus of AIKOL welcomes meeting again the lecturers and colleagues from the Kulliyyah.

The delegation of AIKOL which include Prof Farid Sufian Shuaib, Assoc Prof Dr Zuraidah Hj Ali, Dr Noor Shuhadawati Mohamad Amin and Dr Afridah Abas explains the training and programmes offered by Harun M Hashim Law Centre, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws.
YA Tuan Salehan bin Yatim, the Chief Registrar, Puan Wan Khairin Nissa binti Wan Azian, the Deputy Registrar, Puan Noorbyetty binti Mohd Nasir, the Head of Research and Resource Centre, Tuan Mohamad Taufik Naim bin Kamarudin, the Head of Training, Innovation and Transformation, and Tuan Mujahid also welcome the delegation.