Gombak, 6 September 2022. Dr Csaba Gondola, a Visiting Scholar at Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, shares the view that the European Union legal framework could not be found its equivalent at the international, regional or national level and thus is sui generis.

The founding of the European Union in 1951, which was in direct response to the World War II, aims to create an interdependent nation state that should lessen the possibility of armed conflict. The war in Ukraine, although shows the failure of avoiding armed conflict, shows the interdependency of the member states at least in the social and economic aspects.
In the talk entitled “The Law of the European Union with Reflection to Specific Member States”, Dr Csaba Gondola advances the perspective that the European Union is not a Confederation, Federation or Unitary state but a cooperation between sovereign states based on conferral which is unprecedented, unique and thus sui generis.