Kota Kinabalu, 26 September 2023. Prof Farid Sufian Shuaib, the Dean of Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws expresses his admiration to the intricacies of the native customary law and the Native courts in Sabah during his courtesy call to the Office of the Sabah State Attorney-General.

Pn Suzumaidah Haji Hussain, the Deputy State Attorney-General, representing Datuk Nor Asiah binti Mohd Yusof, the Sabah State Attorney-General, appreciates the observation and emphasises the importance of the native customary law in the Sabah legal system.
Assoc Prof Dr Zuraidah Hj Ali, the Director of Harun M. Hashim Law Centre voices the readiness of the Centre to provide continuing education to the agencies.
Prof Farid Sufian Shuaib conveys the faculty interest in studying further the unique customary law and to collaborate with the Sabah institution of higher learning in researching and disseminating the customary law.