Date: December 13, 2023

by Muhammad Farhan Mahmud

Location: Kulliyyah of Nursing, IIUM Kuantan, Pahang

Another day at Kulliyyah of Nursing, where every day was an adventure; Wednesday unfolded with a touch of enchantment. The sky, donned in a subtle gloom, whispered tales of the night’s persistent rain—a rhythmic melody that painted the world in shades of silver. However, the spirits of the tight-knit community remained undeterred—a collective acknowledgment of the precious gift of yet another day from Allah SWT. As students ambled towards their classes, vibrant umbrellas unfurled like blossoming flowers, and the courtyard echoed with the laughter of friendships and shared journeys. Inside the classrooms, lecturers transformed knowledge into visual symphonies, their smiles radiant beacons of warmth. Simultaneously, administrative staff and clinical instructors wove their own threads of dedication, tirelessly crafting the framework for another day of growth and camaraderie. Amidst the gentle cadence of raindrops, the Kulliyyah of Nursing emerged as a haven of shared stories, resilience, and the timeless dance of humanity embracing the blessings of a new day.

Suddenly, a deafening explosion echoed through the air, sending shockwaves through the whole building. The disconcerting sound reverberated, leaving everyone momentarily frozen in confusion. A cacophony of screams and cries erupted, creating a chaotic symphony that resonated through the hallways. Puzzled faces turned to one another, searching for answers amid the unexpected turmoil. The atmosphere shifted from one of routine academia to palpable tension—the once lively corridors now filled with a mix of fear and bewilderment. As the unsettling moments unfolded, the building plunged into darkness, the abrupt cessation of electricity plunging the once vibrant surroundings into an inky abyss. The sudden blackness was punctuated by the piercing wail of the fire alarm, its urgent tones adding to the pandemonium. With hearts pounding, the community of the Kulliyyah of Nursing grappled with the unknown; their senses heightened, and a collective question hanging in the air—what had just happened to shatter the tranquility of their blessed Wednesday?

In that critical moment, the Emergency Response Team (ERT) sprang into action, their training and readiness shining through the chaos. Swiftly and with a sense of purpose, the building evacuation commenced, guided by the calming presence of the fire marshal orchestrating the orderly exit. Amid the urgency, a lady with severe third-degree burns and two young ladies frozen with fear on the staircase became focal points of concern. The Search and Rescue team moved decisively, their expertise ensuring the safe extraction of everyone trapped or in distress. In a matter of minutes, the combined efforts of all ERT members and the obedience of all KON Community throughout the process led to a successful evacuation. The assembly area became a sanctuary, where every single soul gathered patiently, their faces etched with a mix of relief and apprehension. The ERT Medical Aid took charge, offering solace and immediate medical attention to the injured victim. Meanwhile, the ERT Fire Fighters prepared to eliminate any lingering threats that could endanger the gathered crowd. As the situation unfolded, a headcount was meticulously conducted, ensuring that no one was left unaccounted for. The efficient collaboration of ERT members, coupled with the calm staff, lecturers, and students, transformed what could have been a tragic incident into a testament of preparedness and swift action within the community of the Kulliyyah of Nursing.

Wait a moment! That was just a drill!

Yeah, an evacuation drill! The Building Evacuation Drill marked a successful culmination, underscoring the meticulous preparation and execution by all participants. This crucial simulation, orchestrated by the Kulliyyah of Nursing Safety and Health Committee (KONSHEC), aimed to ensure that every individual within the community is well-prepared to face adversities in the event of an actual emergency. The drill held particular significance in refining the capabilities of the Emergency Response Team (ERT), led by Dr. Rusila Ruslan as the Incident Commander, ensuring their ability to execute assigned tasks seamlessly for the safety of the entire KON community. The drill was subject to rigorous oversight by the Occupational Safety, Health, and Built Environment (OSHBE), led by Br. Mohd Ariffin Ghazali. As the simulated crisis unfolded, the event served as a valuable training ground for all participants, reinforcing the importance of coordinated and effective responses. Post-drill, a debriefing session and sharing moment were conducted among ERT members to extract lessons learned and identify areas for improvement in future emergency scenarios. This comprehensive approach to preparedness and continual refinement underscored the commitment of the Kulliyyah of Nursing to fostering a safe and secure environment for its community members.
