Gombak, 23 September 2022. Three keynote speakers deliver addresses full of thought-provoking views on the second day of the International Conference on Maritime Security in Southeast Asia co-organises by Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL) of the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).

His Excellency Arif Havas Oegroseno, the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the Federal Republic of Germany, who is also the former Vice Minister for Maritime Sovereignty, Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, Indonesia delivers the second keynote speech on the second day of the conference.

His Excellency prefers to emphasise on a less-spoken topic of the impact of climate change on maritime security. He refers to the problem of rising of sea level that affects directly the coastal and archipelagic countries by perishing islands and requiring relocation of populations. He highlights the action of the Pacific countries in declaring the preservation of maritime zone of those countries in the event of diminishing of their land which may run counter the principle of the land dominates the sea under the law of the sea.

The dying of coral reef and forest mangrove caused by acidification and other impacts from the climate change is another less-discussed issues of maritime security.

The consistent thrust of the keynote addresses in the conference is the need to find peaceful resolution of the conflict in maritime security. His Excellency Arif Havas Oegroseno put forward the ideas of using the regional security architecture, UNCLOS, ICJ and arbitration in dealing with state related threats. For non-state threats of the maritime security such as the illegal and irregular fishing, he underlines the Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies under the World Trade Organisation (WTO) as a possible step toward ocean sustainability.

Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Dzulkifli Bin Abdul Razak, the Rector of International Islamic University Malaysia officiates the opening of the jointly organised conference.

For the opening of the conference: – []

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