Gombak, 10 Januari 2024. Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL), International Islamic University Malaysia, is leading a research project on inter-agency cooperation in tackling human trafficking in Malaysia. The project is a collaboration with the Institute of Public Security of Malaysia (IPSOM) and the National Strategic Office Council for Anti-Trafficking in Persons and Anti-Smuggling of Migrants (NSO MAPO).
Both institutions meet with the research team, which is led by Dr Zuraini Abd Hamid, to discuss the possible implementation of the recommendation from the research. Pn Rafidah Mohamad Noor, the Director of IPSOM and En Ezwin Mizra bin Mahamad Zabri from NSO MAPO provide guidance and feedback on the processes of implementation.

Prof Farid Sufian Shuaib, the Dean of AIKOL, in welcoming the delegation, thanks IPSOM and NSO MAPO for their trust in the research team and emphasises the need to ensure the research project benefits the nation.
The other attendees of the meeting are En Mohd Fadhley bin Ali, En Mohd Zahirie bin Mohd Dzahid, Pn Shahidah Nafisah Binti Leman, En Norizam bin Ibrahim, Ahmad Kamil bin Abdul Halim @ Bakar and Dr Ravi A/L Mahalingam. Harun M Hashim Law Centre represented by Dr Zuraidah Hj Ali as the Director of the Centre, hosts the meeting.