Melaka, 16 June 2022. Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL) and the Melaka Department of Shariah Judiciary continues to share expertise and holding discussion to strengthen the administration of Islamic law.

YAA Datuk Nadzri bin Abdul Rahman, the Chief Syariah Judge in welcoming the delegates hopes that the visit will further accelerate the cooperation between the two organisations. He observed that many of the Syariah judges in the Department have benefited from the AIKOL’s programmes of postgraduate Diploma in Administration of Syariah Judiciary (DAIJ) and LLM in Administration of Islamic Law (LLM AoIL).

Prof Farid Sufian Shuaib, the Dean of AIKOL welcomes the initiative of the department in exploring the suggestion of providing legal services to children in custody cases in buttressing the interest of the children. The Kulliyyah will assist by assembling a team of experts to provide a harmonised solution to such a service through a discussion with the department and interested parties.
Assoc Prof Dr Zuraidah Ali, the Director of Harun M Hashim Law Centre offers the service of the Centre in providing continuing legal education for officers of the department.
For more on programmes under Harun M Hashim Law Centre:- https://lawcentre.iium.edu.my/programmes.html