Gombak, 9 August 2022. Moving towards the 40th Anniversary, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL) intensifies the harmonisation of Shariah and law in the curriculum in line with the core vision in the founding of the Kulliyyah.
In the Workshop on Curriculum Review 2022, Associate Professor Lihanna Borhan and Dr Zainurin Abd Rahman from the Office of Knowledge for Change and Advancement (KCA) challenge the participants to reconsider the whole structure of programmes under review so that the curriculum review is meaningful and not merely an exercise of box-ticking.

Prof Farid Sufian Shuaib, the Dean of AIKOL, presents the position paper on the agenda of the harmonisation of Shariah and law at the Kulliyyah. The first draft of the position paper was prepared by Prof Nik Ahmad Kamal Nik Mahmud and went through several stages of consultative process. Members of the Kulliyyah agree to strengthen the content of harmonisation in the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in different levels of intensity such as awareness creation, comparative inquiry, model construction and implementation scrutiny.
Tuan Awang Armadajaya Awang Mahmud provides the practitioner’s perspective and expectation from the reviewed curriculum. According to him the curriculum should be able to produce practice ready, trail blazer and future proof members of the legal profession.
Dr Wan Mohd Zulhafiz Wan Zahari, the Deputy Dean (Academic and Internationalisation) guide the discussion during the workshop.