Gombak, 27 May 2022. Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL) continues its engagement with the industry by maintaining close contact with the Malaysian Bar to ensure relevancy of its programmes.
Bro Mohamad Ezri Abdul Wahab, the Vice-President of the Bar Council discusses with Assoc Prof Dr Majdah Zawawi, the Deputy Dean (Postgraduate and Responsible Research), Assoc Prof Dr Zuraidah Ali, the Director of Harun M. Hashim Law Centre and Professor Dr Aiman Nariman Mohd Sulaiman on how AIKOL and Harun M. Hashim Law Centre could develop training and academic programmes for the benefit of legal practitioners.
The Vice-President of the Bar Council emphasises the need to focus on enhancing skills of legal practitioners. The involvement of prominent figures from the industry could provide important input to the participant.
Harun M. Hashim Law Centre will develop more capacity building programmes for legal practitioners including training on competition law and anti-money laundering.
For more on competency building certificate programmes:- https://lawcentre.iium.edu.my/programmes/certificate.html