Gombak, 1 October 2022. With the tagline Service from the Heart, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL) through its IIUM Legal Aid Services and IIUM Legal Aid Club reaches out to the community at Kg Batu Muda, Kuala Lumpur. Jalinan Mahabbah 2.0 2022, is an on-going community project by AIKOL to create legal awareness among the community and provide free legal assistance to those in need.

Assoc Prof Dr Roslina Che Soh delivers the legal awareness talk regarding hadhanah, the issue of custody under family law.

The AIKOL team of consultants also open their counters for the residents. Many residents seek assistance on issues relating to land dispute, sales and purchase agreements, family and inheritance questions.

The programme also provides experiential learning to students who are members of the IIUM Legal Aid Club and the students from the elective course of Clinical Legal Education in engaging with members of the public under the legal counselling framework.
Dr Wan Mohd Zulhafiz Wan Zahari, the Deputy Dean (Academic and Internationalisation) of AIKOL extends his appreciation to the Chairman of the Masjid Saidina Hamzah, Kg. Batu Muda, Kuala Lumpur for providing the students and staff the opportunity to engage with the community through legal literacy programmes and ease the community concerns on the legal issues.
For the IIUM Legal Aid Services: https://kulliyyah.iium.edu.my/aikol/about-us-2/
For the Jalinan Mahabah 1.0 2022: https://kulliyyah.iium.edu.my/aikol/students-and-community-benefited-from-the-aikol-community-service-under-the-jalinan-mahabbah-programme/