Kuala Terengganu, 26 June 2022. Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL) is working with Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UNISZA) to provide qualification to Shariah lawyers in the Terengganu to practise. Harun M. Hashim Law Centre will collaborate with the Faculty of International Relations and Law, UNISZA in providing the training for candidates from Terengganu and surrounding areas.
As the pioneering faculty in Malaysia that provide the postgraduate programme of the Diploma in Syariah Legal Practice (DSLP) and the Diploma in Administration of Islamic Judiciary (DAIJ) as the qualifying postgraduate diplomas to enter Shariah practice as Shariah judges, Shariah lawyers and Shariah officers, AIKOL is happy to work with other institutions to share its experience and expertise.
Prof Farid Sufian Shuaib, the Dean of AIKOL and Assoc Prof Zuraidah Ali, the Director of Harun M. Hashim Law Centre discuss in detail the proposed collaboration with Assoc Prof Nazli bin Ismail @ Nawang, the Dean of the Faculty of Law and International Relations and his team.
To apply for admission in DAIJ and DSLP at AIKOL:- https://lawcentre.iium.edu.my/programmes/pgd.html