Gombak. 29 November 2022. International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Malaysia in collaboration with Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL) on 25th – 27th of November 2022 had jointly organized the prestigious International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Role Play and Moot Competition for the year 2022 (National Round) at International Islamic University Malaysia.

This competition was participated by majority of the local universities in Malaysia both public and private and to wit, IIUM, UKM, UiTM, UM, UUM UniSZA, Brickfields Asia College and Advance Tertiary College.
The competition began with IHL Role Play on 25th November 2022 and followed by IHL Moot Competition from 26th – 27th November 2022. A closing ceremony was also held on 27th by giving an award to all successful teams for both IHL Role Play and Moot Competition. The final round for IHL Moot Competition before the panel of three judges was presided by Dato Seri Mohd Hishamudin Md Yunus.

Upon conclusion of the final round between IIUM IHL Moot team and BAC College Moot team, one of the IIUM IHL Mooters, Fatin Umairah Mohd Zamros, had been declared as the best oralist while IIUM IHL Moot team was announced as the 1st Runner Up for this IHL Role Play and Moot Competition 2022. BAC college was announced as the overall champion for IHL Moot Competition whilst UiTM was announced as the champion for IHL Role Play.

The mooters and researcher involved for IHL Moot Competition 2022 were as follows:
Wan Nur Irdina Wan Fadzil |
Fatin Umairah Mohd Zamros |
Nurin Maisarah Amer |
Ahmad Luthfi Mohd Noor |
The IHL Moot team was vigorously coached by Inshirah Mohd Amim, a 5th year Shariah law student of AIKOL and few other coaches comprising of AIKOL academic staff as well as alumni.