Gombak, 4th October 2023. Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL), and Institute of Public Security of Malaysia (IPSOM) Ministry of Home Affairs, Malaysia organise a townhall session for a Study of The Effectiveness of Inter-Agency Actions in Handling Cases of Trafficking in Persons.

The townhall’s half-day session commences with the Opening Address by Prof. Dr. Amir Akramin Bin Shafie Deputy Rector (Responsible Research and Innovation) IIUM and officiating the townhall by Tuan Lokman Effendi Bin Ramli @ Zakaria, Chief Executive of Institute of Public Security of Malaysia (IPSOM) Ministry of Home Affairs, Malaysia.

Institute of Public Security of Malaysia (IPSOM) Ministry of Home Affairs, Malaysia has granted a Study of the Effectiveness of Inter-Agency Actions in Handling Cases of Trafficking in Persons research to International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) lead by Dr Zuraini Binti Ab Hamid together with team members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zuraidah Bt. Hj Ali, Dr Shukriah Bt. Mohd. Sheriff, Dr Norjihan Binti Ab Aziz, Madam Siti Aishah Binti Aslah and Dr. Aishah Mohd Noor, Senior Lecturer at Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS) of Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).

This townhall is a closed-door event which achieves the objectives of a Study of the Effectiveness of Inter-Agency Actions in Handling Cases of Trafficking in Persons research grant to present the outcomes of the proposal to the stakeholders.
The townhall session attended by 37 participants including, Prof. Dr. Farid Sufian Bin Shuaib, Dean of Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL), IIUM together with representatives from the government, agencies, non-government organizations and academicians.