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Dean office
Kulliyyah Of ICT
- 03 – 6421 5645
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ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ ٱللَّٰهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Welcome to the Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology.
Prof. Dr. Abd. Rahman Bin Ahlan
Dean of KICT
Ts. Dr. Abd Rahman Ahlan is a Professor at the Department of Information Systems, Kulliyyah of ICT, International Islamic University Malaysia. He is a registered Professional Technologist under the Malaysia Board of Technologist (MBOT). He has over 28 years of teaching experience at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has taught students from the Bachelor of IT (BIT), Master of IT (MIT), Master of Business Intelligence and Analytics (MBIA), Master of Business Administration (MBA) as well as Master in Protective Security Management (MPSM). He also supervises PhD students. A principle researcher for a number of research projects, Dr. Abd Rahman has won several research and quality awards.
His research interest is focused on understanding the management of IT innovation and adoption, IT project management, IT Governance, IT Risks and Security Management, and graduate skill-sets. He was appointed as a technical mentor for MSC Malaysia Product Development & Commercialisation Fund (PCF) for the approved project submissions on The Internet of Things & Big Data, funded by the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC). He was one of the panel speaker in Big Data Week KL 2015 on the topic Data scientist talent development and role of universities.
He was appointed as a panel interviewer to evaluate research proposals on Business Analytics and Big Data for the Yang DiPertuan Agong Scholarship applicants. Dr. Abd Rahman has published numerous articles and book chapters, and hold memberships in professional bodies. He has held a number of administrative positions including Director, Centre for IT Advancement, Head of Department of Information Systems, and the Director of the Information Technology Division at IIUM. He is currently the Deputy Dean of Postgraduate at the Kulliyyah of ICT.
The Dean is responsible for academic planning, enhancement of programs, curriculum, teaching, scholarship and service, professional and regional accreditation, Kulliyyah development and evaluation, advising, budget development, and appropriate allocation of resources. The Dean is to engage with all stakeholders at all times.
- Doctor of Philosophy in Management Information System, Cardiff University
- Master of Science in Information Technology for Manufacture, University of Warwick
- Bachelor of Business Administration, International Islamic University Malaysia
- Diploma in Planting Industry Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).
- IT Risk Management & Information Security Management
- IT Skillset for Outsourcing Industry
- IT Project Management
- ICT Outsourcing (ITO); E-Government, Digital Divide & ICT for Dev (ICT4D); IT/IS Education & Skillsets; IT/IS Implementation Issues & Project Management; IT/IS in Financial Services.
General Office, Block A, Level 5,
Kulliyyah of Information & Communication Technology,
International Islamic University Malaysia,
53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Hasnita Bt. Ahmad
Office Secretary
- 03 – 6421 5601
- IIUM Staff Directory
Roles and Responsibilities
Responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operation of a Dean’s Office within a Faculty. Provides administrative and analytical support to the Dean in a variety of areas. Coordinates activities on the Dean’s behalf and acts as a liaison to senior management across campus.