Heads of
Research Unit/Centre
Research Group
Heads of Research

Prof. Ts. Dr. Mira Kartiwi
Smart Data Analytics
The Smart Data Analytics in initiated based on the rapid interest across virtually every industry domain, increasing demand by students, and the boundless intellectual curiosity within the Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology on data analytics.

Prof. Dr. Asadullah Shah
Smart Learning and Innovation
Through capturing social media data and applying novel methods such as decision making models, design frameworks, group behavior elicitation (e.g. herding effects), and opinion/sentiment mining, business intelligence and actionable decision making can be obtained.

Prof. Dato Dr. Mohamad Fauzan Noordin
ICT & Islamic Principles
Establish the standards and Islamic fundamentals in the various fields of ICT (i.e. Theories & Fundamentals). The main Islamic principles should be taken as guidelines for laying the foundation of an Islamic code of practice in Software Development.

Asst. Prof. Ts. Dr. Muhamad Sadry Abu Seman
Digital Humanities
Digital Humanities (DH) research group is focusing on humanities related research by using technology and different types of computational tools to inspire the new forms of interaction such as data management, data mining, mapping, and modelling of various types of data and creating innovations in teaching and learning.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Nurul Nuha Abdul Molok
IIUM Information Assurance and Security (IIAS)
nformation Assurance is a multidisciplinary area of study and professional activity which aims to protect the business by reducing risks associated with information and information systems by means of comprehensive and systematic management of security countermeasures, which is driven by risk analysis and cost-effectiveness (Cherdantseva & Hilton, 2013).