Postgraduate Office
KICT Office’s
Deputy Dean
Postgraduate & Research
Welcome, Ahlan Wa Sahlan
to the Postgraduate Office.

Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Zahidah Binti Zulkifli
Deputy Dean Postgraduate & Research
DD Postgraduate Office Staff

Siti Nur Ellya Shahira Binti Ahmad Nizam
Administrative Assistant(Clerical/Operation)
About Deputy Dean Postgraduate & Research
On behalf of the Office of Deputy Dean Postgraduate & Research I wish to welcome all prospective and current students to embark studies at the postgraduate level in the Kulliyyah of ICT, IIUM. Postgraduate studies generally provide a route to a particular career and knowledge specialisation. KICT offers two main postgraduate degrees – taught courses and research degrees at master and doctoral levels. KICT offers a total of: –
Three (3) taught programmes by coursework;
- Master in Information Technology (MITEC)
- Master of Business Intelligence and Analytics (MBIA)
- Master of Protective Security Management (MPSM)
Two (2) programmes by coursework and research (mixed mode);
- Master of Library & Information Sciences (MLIS)
- PhD in Library and Information Sciences (by mixed mode)
and three (3) programmes by full research: –
- Master of Computing (Computer Science & Information Technology)
- Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Science & Information Technology)
- Doctor of Philosophy in Library & Information Science
In running these programs, the Postgraduate Office of KICT works together with the offering academic departments including Department of Information Systems (DIS), Department of Computer Science (DCS), Department of Library and Information Sciences (DLIS), and Centre for Information Technology Advancement (CITA). The Postgraduate office also works together with the Head of Research Office (HoR) in coordinating and facilitating postgraduate students’ involvement in KICT research laboratories and activities.
Prospective and current students are highly encouraged to participate in the KICT focused research specialty areas namely: –
- ICT and Islam
- Cognitive and Biologically Inspired Computing
- Information Systems, Internet and Governance
- Semantic Body of Knowledge and Technology
- Cyber Security
- Social Media Analytics and Business Intelligence
- Fintech, Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
- Perceptive and Sentiment Computing
- Computational Intelligence
- Instructional Design and Technologies
- Information Assurance and Security
- Software and Systems Engineering
The Postgraduate Office of KICT acts as a one-stop-center for all matters concerning postgraduate students at KICT ranging from advisory, overall monitoring and related postgraduate administrative processes including application, admission, enrolment, registration, examination, graduation, and reviewing common or special appeals submitted by postgraduate students. In accomplishing these tasks, the Postgraduate office of KICT works together with program coordinators, Head of Departments, KICT Management, and Centre for Postgraduate Studies (CPS) of IIUM. In addition, the office also oversees and facilitate postgraduate students’ co-curricular activities primarily organised by the KICT Postgraduate Student Society (PGSS).
Office Address
Deputy Dean Postgraduate Office,
Block A, Level 2,
Kulliyyah of Information & Communication Technology,
International Islamic University Malaysia,
53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Phone: +603-6421 6404
Roles & Responsibilities
- Provides overall assistance to postgraduate students in matters related to academic program, welfare, and skills development through various postgraduate program activities such as postgraduate colloquium, seminars, workshops, discourse, 3-Minutes Thesis competition, and other relevant activities in conjunction and/or collaboration with the KICT Postgraduate Student Society (PGSS).
- Report and update status and progress in various decision-making platforms including KICT Postgraduate Committee (KPGC), Kulliyyah Executive Management (KEM), Kulliyyah Board of Management (KBM), University Postgraduate Committee (UCPS) and Student Admission Committee (SAC).
- Review, verify, recommend, and approve postgraduate processes including prospective postgraduate students’ application, postgraduate students’ enrollment, registration, progress reports, examination, thesis submission and examination, and various common and special appeals.
- Oversees the improvement and upgrading of postgraduate related internal administrative processes and services including simplifying process flow, data management ranging from data capture and reporting, and the provision of the Kulliyyah postgraduate students’ facilities.
- Ensuring compliance to the Academic Quality matters including International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Audit, Malaysia Qualifications Agency (MQA) Audit, IIUM Knowledge and Change Advancement (KCA) academic governance processes such as academic and curriculum review for endorsement at various level of authorities including the IIUM Senate, MQA, Jabatan Pengajian Tinggi (JPT) and the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE).