Academic &
Internationalisation Office
KICT Office’s
Deputy Dean
Academic & Internationalisation
Welcome, Ahlan Wa Sahlan
to the Academic and Internationalisation Office.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lili Marziana Bt. Abdullah
Deputy Dean Academic & Internationalisation
DD Academic &
Internationalisation Staff

Meor Shahmer Azrai Bin Meor Shamsudin
Assistant (Clerical/Operation)
03 – 6196 5603
The Academic and Internationalisation Office assists the office of the Dean in implementing the University’s corporate strategies, policies and procedures within the faculty.
The Academic and Internationalisation Office provides direction and leadership for optimizing performance in one or more of the following areas in the kulliyyah:
- Learning, Teaching and Curriculum Development and Innovation
- Teaching Quality and Students’ Support
- Staff Monitoring and Development
- Handling MOU and MOA for academic and industrial collaborations
We work closely with all of the Head of the Departments in the kulliyyah to provide good services and humanising education which is in line with the IIUM core elements of “Khalifah. Amanah. Iqra’. Rahmatan lil-‘Alamin” (KhAIR).
Office Address
General Office,
Block A, Level 5,
Kulliyyah of Information & Communication Technology,
International Islamic University Malaysia,
53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Phone: +603-6421 5609 / +603-6421 5603
Roles & Responsibilities of Academic Affairs
- Coordination on Academic Review for Undergraduate programme
- Coordination on Course offering, course registration, examination and graduation.
- Declaring of programme – Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) and Bachelor of Computer Science.
- KICT promotional activities for undergraduate programme.
- Student’s applications and appeals – Registration, Study plan, Transfer Credit, Examination, Rechecking, Special examination.
- Meeting with AMAD on student’s application for change of programme and admission.
- Coordination for Internal Audit and External Audit such as SIRIM, MQA, MDEC on Digital Premier Audit (as organised by DDSDCE).
- To ensure the implementation of University’s policies on academic activities.
- Promotes and monitor student’s mobility (inbound/outbound & credit/non-credited)
- Assist in staff mobility program
- Managing MOA, MOU and LOI of Kulliyyah of ICT
- Works with focal person for MOA/MOU and assisting in signing ceremony (if any)
- Assists kulliyyah of ICT on creating partnership with other universities, institutions and industries
- Coordinates international visits and meetings involving scholars visiting the kulliyyah
- Liaise with offices under Office of the Deputy Rector of Internationalisation and Global Network (ODRIGN), International Office (IO) and Office of Legal Advisor (OLA) to initiate activities