History of KICT
A New Beginning, A New Journey
Kulliyyah of Information &
Communication Technology Establishment

KICT Building Under Construction in 2011
It was at the First International Conference on Information Systems and Islam held in 2001 at IIUM that the then Rector of IIUM, Prof. Tan Sri Dr. Mohd Kamal Hassan announced the establishment of the Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology (KICT) at IIUM and named the first Dean of KICT.
The establishment of KICT was made possible with the merger of two departments of the university being the Department of Information System (DIS) from the Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences (KENMS) and the Department of Library and Information Sciences (DLIS) from Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (KIRKHS).
Information Technology had and continues to bring about developments that have revolutionized traditional society signaling changes to its philosophy, culture, economy and many aspects of our lives. It was imperative therefore to bring together all studies related to Information and Communication Technology under one umbrella.
The DIS began by offering the Bachelor in Management Information Systems (BMIS) programme which was later changed to the Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) on the advice of the Ministry of Higher Education. The DIS later added postgraduate programmes namely the Master in Information Technology (MIT) by research and course work and the PhD in Information Technology (PhD IT) by research.
The DLIS started off by initially offering the Master of Library and Information Sciences (MLIS) programme and later added on the PhD in Library and Information Sciences (PhD LIS) both by coursework and research.
The Department of Computer Sciences was established in 2004 by offering the Bachelor of Computer Sciences (BCS) programme. This was followed up by offering postgraduate programmes in 2011 namely the Master of Computer Science (MCS) and the PhD in Computer Sciences (PhD CS) after due approval by the Ministry of the Higher Education. New programmes which are currently being developed by KICT include the Bachelor in Multimedia, Bachelor of Software Engineering and Bachelor of Library and Information Sciences.
KICT is keenly aware that the education, development, application and utilization of technology as is being disseminated by developed countries may be devoid of ethical and moral perspectives. The focus and emphasis of ICT from the secular world is dominated mainly by technological advances. The uniqueness of KICT programmes and research is the integration of Islamic values using holistic and systematic approaches to achieve an equitable balance in society. Such an approach would pave the way for the world to use ICT for the positive benefit of society at large.
The Centre for IT Advancement (CITA) was established in 2004 as a Strategic Business Unit (SBU) for KICT. From humble beginnings the centre has now expanded into a profitable SBU which provides executive academic programmes, certification programmes, short courses and ICT consultancy services. Among the academic programmes offered by CITA are the Executive Masters Programme, Postgraduate Diploma and Certification Programmes in Protective Security Management in collaboration with the Chief Government Security Office (CGSD) in the Prime Minister’s Department. The professional certification programmes include Project Risk Management, Project Management, Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) and Information Systems Security Management. Towards enhancing its reputation and improving its services, CITA has signed several Memoranda of Agreement with agencies such as Hewlett-Packard Education and the Turkish Chamber of Commerce. Recognizing the expertise of CITA, the top management of IIUM has entrusted CITA to develop a campus wide IT Security Policy.