KICT Staff Welfare Club

Enjoy The Best
WE invite you to visit this site and learn more about the KICT Staff Welfare Club on behalf of the KICT Staff Welfare Club Committee. We are a group dedicated to supporting the KICT community by collaborating with the Kulliyyah administration to acknowledge staff, providing assistance and support to our members, and organise social events to make work life more enjoyable!
Our goals are simple: to support KICT’s overall goals, with a focus on improving the staff welfare support function and staff participation in the university’s teaching, learning, discovery, and cultural enrichment activities, as well as to promote closer ties among Staff Club members through social activities and networking.
The Founding Committee
These are the Founding Committee Members.
The Club was officially founded and registered with the Registrar of Societies in 2021.

Founding Committee
The Founding Committee

Amir ‘Aatieff Bin Amir Hussin

Mohd Khairul Azmi Bin Hassan

Nurazlin Binti Zainal Azmi

Norlia Binti Md Yusof

Atikah Balqis Binti Basri

Nurliyana Najwa Binti Jamaludin

Mohd. Syarqawy

Zenita Arryani Bt. Tiyunin

Narieta Binti Bukhari
Join Us!
The KICT Staff Welfare Club has a long and illustrious history. We want you to be a part of all we're doing! Because participation in the KICT Staff Welfare Club is open to all those who have served KICT in the past and present — staff, faculty, retired staff, and faculty members — that invitation extends to everyone who is or has been a part of KICT in the past.
A constitution is an essential component of any club: it lays the groundwork for achieving your organization's goals. You may view the Club Constitution from the link below:A constitution is an essential component of any club: it lays the groundwork for achieving your organization's goals. You may view the Club Constitution from the link below:

- KICT 20th Anniversary Celebration
- ASR 2022 – Competition : Animation of Sirah Rasulullah PBUH 2022
- Competition
Keep in touch at any time.
Phone: +6 03 – 6421 5601
KICT Staff Welfare Club
Kulliyyah of Information & Communication Technology, International Islamic University Malaysia,
P.O. Box 10, 50728, Kuala Lumpur,