About Research & Publication
Research & Publication
Head Of
Research & Innovation
ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ ٱللَّٰهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Welcome to the Responsible Research and Innovation Office.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Noor Azura Binti Zakaria
Head of Research & Innovation(Ho RI)
The Responsible Research and Innovation Office supports research efforts conducted by KICT researchers in solving challenges problems and at the same time producing innovative and sustainable products. We work closely with Research Management Centre (RMC) in various tasks involving the grants initiatives, grants management, research development skills, innovation and commercialisation, and research seminars. We are committed to ensure all research and development activities realising the University’s aspirations and competitiveness locally and globally.
Currently we have established 13 research groups in different niche that works on interdisciplinary research and collaborate with local as well as international industries and agencies. The research and development are aligned with the Islamisation, Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) and Sejahtera Academic Framework (SAF). We also have established 2 indexed journals which are International Journal on Perceptive and Cognitive Computing (IJPCC) and Journal of Information Systems and Digital Technologies (JISDT). These journals receive quality articles from local and international authors. Besides aiming for a high-impact products, the research works, and collaborative linkages is hopefully benefiting the nation and the Ummah.

Nurlaili binti Sanadi
Administrative Assistant(Clerical/Operation)
Research activities in KICT are coordinated by the Head of Research’s office, which was established in 1991 with an objective to promote research activities within the University, and to disseminate research findings through publications, consulting services, training programmes, seminars and other electronic and print media.
There are several research grants and funding provided by the University and Government in order to promote the research culture in the university and in the country. For further details please refer to the Research Center as part of the Kulliyyah’s Strategic Plan (2003-2010), KICT promotes research culture among its members.
Our researchers are aiming for larger-scale research grants and trying to seek collaborations with other Kulliyyahs and institutions, journal and book publications, seminars as well as active involvement of postgraduate students. KICT has established 8 research groups with the major objective to promote research activities at the Kulliyyah.
Office Address
Deputy Dean Postgraduate Office,
Block A, Level 2,
Kulliyyah of ICT,
International Islamic University Malaysia,
53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Phone: +603-6421 6404