UMRAN 2024
In an inclusive and diverse society, educational institutions must strive to create environments where every individual, regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities, can fully participate and thrive. In this spirit, we introduce an exciting and transformative initiative aimed at increasing accessibility for disabled students on our campus. Thus, the Department of Landscape Architecture, KAED and the Disability Service Unit (DSU) are collaborating to implement the transformation.
The Disability Service Unit (DSU, spearheaded by Professor Dr. Ruzita Mohd. Amin from the Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences (KENMS) was established to implement the IIUM Disability Inclusion Policy. Among other things, the DSU aims to enhance campus accessibility for disabled students. In the meantime, the Department of Landscape Architecture, KAED has been offering a course – Universal Design for External Spaces. Therefore, the noble intention of the DSU is well supported by the Department of Landscape Architecture by having its students work on enhancing campus accessibility for the disabled through the students’ project.
The initiatives started during Semester 2 2021/2022. The project was about identifying an accessible route for the vision-impaired students to manoeuvre from Mahallah Uthman to the DSU, Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Masjid and the office of the AHAS KIRKHS. The second phase which was carried out during Semester 2 2022/2023 by the second batch of students, covered the route for persons in wheelchairs from Mahallah Safiyyah to the Central Complex including the Azman Hashim Building. While identifying the route, challenges were recorded and the proposal to increase the physical accessibility was done by applying the Universal Design principles and referring to standards. At the end of the semesters, the proposals were orally presented, and the written proposals were submitted to the DSU for further action. The areas covered in the two proposals are based on the priority given following the needs of the students.
The accessibility map showing facilities available for the people with disabilities.
Apart from the proposals, the two batches of students also prepared the Accessibility Map for IIUM. The accessibility map is meant to show facilities that support the disabled communities while on campus. However, the map is still in progress as the students did the inventory accordingly. It is to be continued by the following batches until its completion.
The DSU and the Department of Landscape Architecture, KAED are committed to continuing the collaboration and keep on working to identify more routes to be improved, InsyaAllah. On the 20th of October 2023, the DSU organized an event to appreciate the Department of Landscape Architecture and its students under the direction of the lecturer in charge – Dr Aniza Abu Bakar. The students received their certificate of recognition for their efforts from Professor Dr Ruzita Mohd Amin, witnessed by Professor Ar. Dr Abdul Razak bin Sapian, Dean of KAED, Associate Professor LAr Dr Putri Haryati binti Ibrahim, Head, Department of Landscape Architecture, KAED, and Assistant Professor Dr Rustam Khairi bin Zahari, Director, IIUM Development Division.
“Enhancing Campus Accessibility: Empowering Students of All Abilities” is not just a student’s project; it is a commitment to ensuring that every student, regardless of their disability, has equal access to the resources, facilities, and opportunities necessary for a successful educational journey.
This initiative underscores the fundamental principle of equity, recognizing that all students should be afforded the same opportunities for learning, growth, and personal development. While significant progress has been made in recent years, there is always room for improvement, innovation, and a renewed dedication to creating a truly inclusive educational environment. Through the comprehensive efforts and collaborative partnerships of our campus community, we aim to remove barriers, challenge assumptions, and foster an atmosphere of true inclusivity where every student can achieve their full potential.
Gombak – Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia(KPM) kini mengorak langkah bagi memperkasakan Dasar Pendidikan Negara(DPN) khususnya penglibatan para pelajar dalam aktiviti-aktiviti kreatif, kemasyarakatan, pemeliharaan dan pemuliharaan alam semula jadi, kebudayaan dan keagamaan.
Pembelajaran di luar bilik darjah adalah alternatif kepada pengkayaan pengalaman kepada setiap pelajar. Maka tidak hairanlah apabila KPM melancarkan satu aktiviti yang dinamakan “Gotong Royong MADANI” di peringkat sekolah bagi memupuk nilai-nilai murni, pembentukan sahsiah diri dan pengetahuan am para pelajar.
Bagi menyahut baik aktiviti yang di lancarkan KPM, sekumpulan pelajar dari Jabatan Senibina Landskap, Kulliyah Senibina Alam Sekitar(KAED), Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia(UIAM) di undang untuk membuat sebuah projek lakaran mural di dinding Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Seri Gombak(SMKSG), Selangor baru-baru ini.
SMKSG adalah antara sekolah yang mengambil inisiatif dan mengorak-langkah untuk menganjurkan Gotong-Royong MADANI diperingkat sekolah tersebut. SMKSG mempunyai persekitaran yang menyenangkan dan kebanyakan fasiliti yang ada adalah baik dan digunakan sebaik mungkin oleh guru-guru dan para pelajar sama ada aktiviti pembelajaran mahupun kokurikulum.
Projek lukisan mural tersebut mendapat kerjasama dan sokongan dari pada pihak sekolah dan Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru(PIBG) SMKSG.
Pada peringkat awal proses lakaran ini bermula dengan beberapa perjumpaan dan perbincangan iaitu dimulakan dengan inspirasi, ilham dan kehendak pihak sekolah dan PIBG yang menginginkan tema alam semula jadi.
Menurut pensyarah daripada KAED UIAM yang juga pengarah program, Prof. Madya Dr.Zainul Mukrim Hj Baharuddin ketika ditemui berkata, konsep yang diketengahkan oleh pereka adalah untuk menyampaikan mesej kepada warga SMKSG ialah tentang ekosistem hutan yang kaya dengan flora dan fauna.
“Dewasa ini hutan tersebut sedang dilanda krisis kepupusan akibat dari tindak balas alam semula jadi dan lebih merisaukan ialah akibat daripada tangan-tangan manusia yang rakus merosakkan habitatnya dan konsep yang ingin diketengahkan adalah mengenai keindahan hutan paya laut di Malaysia”. Katanya.
Lakaran awal menggunakan teknik alat bantu mengajar iaitu pancaran daripada ‘projector’. Para pelajar menghasilkan mural mengikut imej yang terpantul iaitu melakar dan melukis dengan mengikut jalur-jalur garis yang tertera dan seterusnya merupakan proses mewarnakan lakaran lukisan di dinding.
Proses lakaran bermula dengan persediaan yang rapi daripada pihak sekolah dan PIBG dengan membeli peralatan untuk tujuan lukisan mural seperti berus, cat, tangga, kerusi meja dan juga makan minum pelajar.
“Terima kasih kami ucapkan kepada warga se kolah terutama para guru dan PIBG kerana memberikan komitmen yang terbaik untuk bersama-sama menjayakan aktiviti yang dijalankan ini, apa yang dapat dilihat semua pelajar SMKSG dan mahasiswa UIAM saling membantu untuk menyiapkan mural ini.
Masing-masing kelihatan sangat ceria seolah-olah aktiviti tersebut bagaikan terapi walaupun kadang-kadang tugas tersebut sehingga ke malam”. Ujarnya lagi.
Projek mural tersebut mengambil masa selama empat hari untuk disiapkan. Dalam masa yang sama para pelajar masing-masing mempelajari banyak perkara dalam usaha menjayakan program bermakna ini, antaranya seperti nilai-nilai kerja berpasukan, kesabaran, ‘problem solving’, fokus dan keprihatinan.
“Selain itu, nilai-nilai ini secara tidak langsung diperoleh apabila melakukan aktiviti di luar khususnya yang berkaitan dengan aktiviti seni dan kreatif. Insya-Allah jalinan ini tidak akan terhenti di sini sahaja. Pada masa akan datang, kedua-dua pihak bercadang dan berminat untuk membina sebuah Laman Madani berlatarbelakangkan lukisan mural, “Sayangi dan Peliharalah Hutan Paya Laut”. Tambahnya lagi.
Pertandingan Rekabentuk Landskap Dataran Kuala Kubu Bharu was conducted on 9 April 2022 in conjunction with the World Landscape Architecture Month (WLAM) 2022, and participation was closed on 29 April 2022. Participation involved IPTA students from, International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM), Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) and Kolej Vokasional dan Teknikal Rembau.
Students from the Department of Landscape Architecture, Kulliyyah Architecture and Environmental Design (KAED), IIUM, Ahmad Faruq bin Mohd Rizam and Amir Zakuan bin Mohd Zarawi were selected as the winners of the grand prize, cash of RM 1,000.00 and a certificate of participation.
The prize-giving ceremony was presented by Tuan Awaluddin bin Zakaria, Timbalan Yang Dipertua Majlis Perbandaran Hulu Selangor (MPHS), on 14 December 2022 to the winners Ahmad Faruq bin Mohd Rizam, Amir Zakuan bin Mohd Zarawi and Head of Department, Asst. Prof. LAr. Dr. Putri Haryati Ibrahim. Also, present MPHS Landscape Department Director, LAr. Mohd Fadhil bin Mohd. Lani
For more information and images, visit the Landscape Department’s Facebook Page